City Categories: Shopping

A ‘Winkle’ in Time

When it comes to shopping for beautifully made items by artisans, we’re giving you a little wink—Periwinkle, that is.

It’s a Wrap!

We’re amazed at the amount of talented moms living in Victoria, the ones who take creative ideas and turn them…

Green Is the New Black

In case you hadn’t noticed all the shop windows, we’re approaching that season where festive parties and gatherings with friends…

Paint Project

Hearty Calgarians know that April can sneak in the odd surprise (read: snowstorm, dry winds) which is why we think…

Green Giving

It’s time to accumulate, distribute and accumulate again. (Busy, busy.) But even with all the good stuff we’ll be giving…

Greening Your Cleaning

The newly crawling baby makes his way across the kitchen floor with determination, investigating new territory while his busy mom…

Squeaky Green

Spring is not the only time for a good houseclean. We also like the fall overhaul, and this time we’re…

Baby Boutique

(s)Hop To It!

It’s hot. You’re tired. The kids are whiny. Do you really want to go shopping? Heck, yes. We’re not talking…

Spit and (Pet) Polish

If the family car is your home-on-wheels, it’s probably due for its spring clean. Preschool notices under the seat, sticky…

A Greener Grass

Mowing the lawn is a lot like driving a car. Neither are eco-friendly but both are pretty much must-dos for…