7 Questions to Ask Your Kids While Watching the Olympics
Have you been watching the Sochi Olympic Winter Games with your kids? The Olympics provide a great opportunity for you to connect with your kids on topics like doing something you love and following your passion, rewards versus self-satisfaction, goal planning and role models.
Here are some potential conversation starters:
- How do you think people find something to be passionate about?
- What do you love to do?
- What’s more important to you, being recognized for doing well or the feeling you get when you do your best?
- What do you wish you could do and how do you think you can make that happen?
- Do you look up to the athletes? Why?
- When you grow up do you want to be a role model for kids? What does that mean to you?
- What are some ways you ‘are winter’?
For some real-life Olympic fun, try setting up your own mini Games in your backyard or the local park, or throwing an Olympic-themed viewing party for family and friends.
We’d love you to share your experiences with us. Are your children inspired, impressed or indifferent? What are their favourite events? Do the Games spur them on to try harder or try something new? Did they have any reactions that surprised you?