Back to Reality Part 2

Moms across the land have likely breathed a collective relief as soon as the holidays were over. All the wrapping, baking, entertaining (young and old) is over and now the kids are back at school or back to the regular routine. But we only had a few days of breathing room before ‘Back to Reality 2′ hit.
‘Back to Reality’ is the what we refer to as the first week after summer is over (back to school for those with kids old enough) – Back to Reality 2 is the first week after the holidays are over, and it’s typically marked by a combination of post-holiday letdown, back to work, back to the regular sked and a series of domestic pressures including but not limited to packing up holiday decorations, attending summer camp fairs, last minute winter program registrations, a desire to plan healthy meals for the family after the excesses of the holiday season and a snowstorm or two. It’s enough to make the to-do list of December seem a fond memory! Anyone else out there suffering from the reality of Back to Reality 2? Happy January!