Best Shows to Binge Watch if You’re Sick in Bed

When the grey days and the endless winter weather is getting you down—or when you’re literally down for the count because Omicron caught you or with your first cold in two years—the only cure is to curl up on the couch with some hot tea, a binge-worthy show, and as many blankets as possible. Streaming to the rescue! If you’re looking for some inspiration for what to watch on your sick day or days, here are some of my favourite best shows to binge watch…
Best Shows to Binge Watch if You’re Sick in Bed
Grey’s Anatomy
If you still don’t understand what all the hype is about with this medical drama, now’s the time to find out. With 18 seasons and counting, it boasts the sort of longevity most shows only dream of, with a dedicated fan base to go with it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll probably scream at the television more than once—and you may even swear you won’t watch another episode when Shonda Rhimes inevitably kills off your favourite character. (Spoiler alert: This happens a lot!)
This one’s even better when you watch it with your “person.”
Past seasons of Grey’s Anatomy are streaming on Netflix in Canada. Season 18 is available on
This show is just soooo scandalous. But seriously, Kerry Washington is scary good in this hit show, and each season is long enough to give you plenty of viewing material while you’re at home recovering. Plus, it’s written by the same evil genius that gave us Grey’s Anatomy, so you know it’s gonna be good!
All seasons of Scandal are available on iTunes.
Gilmore Girls
I’d follow Lorelai Gilmore anywhere—that girl knows how to caffeinate—since coffee is basically my sister wife. There’s something almost magical about a trip back to Stars Hollow with this quirky, quick-witted cast that makes any bad day feel better.
All seasons of Gilmore Girls are streaming on Netflix in Canada.
Downton Abbey
You’re sure to feel on the up and up after convalescing with this British drama. There are plenty of secrets, scandals, tragedies, and jealousy to suck you in for hours. And if that doesn’t do it for you, the incredible period costumes and scenic English views will.
All seasons of Downton Abbey are streaming on Netflix in Canada.
Stranger Things
Indulge in a little bit of chicken soup for the soul with this show that lets you relive all the nostalgia of your 1980s childhood. You’ll wish you could hang with this crew of kids on their adventures.
All seasons of Stranger Things are streaming on Netflix in Canada.
The Fall
Before he was Christian Grey in the 50 Shades movies, Jamie Dornan played a tortured Jekyll-Hyde serial killer in British drama The Fall opposite The X-Files’ Gillian Anderson. Ignore her terribly awkward accent and just let yourself get sucked into the dark cat-and-mouse game between the two leads that will leave your heart pounding.
The Fall is streaming in Canada on BritBox.
So no one told you life was gonna be this way… Tell me you didn’t just clap or sing along to that little diddy? Who can forget that iconic opening? If you aren’t in the mood for anything too serious (or need to recover from the shocking The Fall finale) this show is a solid choice. With lots of laughs from the comedic ensemble, a binge of this show is sure to lift your spirits, sick day or not.
Friends is streaming in Canada on Crave.
This series has plenty of blood and gore, if that’s what gets you feeling better when you’re down. Based on the crazy-but-true story of real life drug lord Pablo Escobar (and the many central and south American cartels) this show will quench your thirst for violence as you’re quenching your thirst on the couch. Narcos is subtitled, in case you’re too ill to read TV.
Narcos is streaming in Canada on Netflix.
Arrested Development
Episodes of this sleeper classic are just 20 minutes long, which means you can speed through entire seasons in no time. You might want to avoid this one if you’ve got a nagging cough though, as it’s sure to induce a steady stream of gut-busting laughs.
Arrested Development is streaming in Canada on Netflix.
Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank
There’s just something incredibly uplifting about watching people go out and pitch their dreams to a team that can actually make it happen. You’re bound to feel woefully unaccomplished and inspired at the same time while watching one of these entrepreneur-focused shows. You might even spot some of your favourite products in front of the Dragons/Sharks!
Full episodes of Dragon’s Den are streaming on the CBC Website.
This Is Us
Get ready to hop aboard the feel train with this powerful family drama. Each week dives deep into difficult issues every family has probably experienced at one point or another. I’m just going to come out and say that Jack and Rebecca are probably the most “real” TV couple since Coach Eric Taylor and Tami of Friday Night Lights. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself nodding along and shouting “yep” each time a character has a major breakthrough.
Past seasons of This Is Us is streaming on Netflix in Canada. Season 6 is currently streaming on
Friday Night Lights
Speaking of the Taylors, don’t forget to add this high school football drama to your must-watch list if you’re down with the sickness. Tami and Eric are arguably the most relatable couple ever on television, and watching those small-town Texas teens overcome their struggles both on and off the gridiron will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside—if the fever doesn’t do that first. Texas forever.
The complete series of Friday Night Lights is available on iTunes.