Calgary: Top Five Under $25
It’s that time of year again. We bring you our Top Five Under $25—the list that promises to help you remember all those who might not be at the top of your list but are certainly no less important.
This year, you’ll be sure not to forget:
Great Aunt Mildred
Chocolate Dipped Cherries by Bernard Callebaut are about as decadent a treat you can find for Auntie. She might not want to share these hand-picked BC cherries dipped in pure semi-sweet chocolate ($25). They are only available during the holiday season and they sell out fast! Order online.
The Teacher or Gymnastics/Music/Art Instructor
Pick up a gift cert from our fave book store in town—Owl’s Nest Books. It’s oozing with literary warmth and friendly experts to help them make the right choice of books.
The Babysitter
What is more trendy for a teenager than an eco-smart gift? Check out the wide array of SIGG reusable water bottles available at room6, one of our new fave online shopping destinations. For $24, it’s tough to leave them in the store.