Free Wheeling

‘No hands, who’s the man?’ is the end goal for sure—but before getting them to that (scary) daring stage, they should master the art of riding without training wheels at least. Has it occurred to you that the old saying “as easy as riding a bike” doesn’t ring so true?

So after a ‘spring is finally here’ weekend chasing around our three savvy testers (age 2, 4, and 6) on some of the new run bikes, we have found a new strategy for learning the art of the two-wheeler. And while perhaps not quite as easy as falling off a log, it’s pretty close!

These pedal-less bikes, designed for children aged 2 to 5, are a new concept in training bikes that have swept across Europe in popularity and are just now available in North America. The little rider sits on the bike seat but moves the bike with feet on the ground rather than on pedals.

imageFrom a safety point of view, kids can get used to the idea of riding a bike and work on their balance skills without the danger and fear factor (yours more than theirs) of falling. As they get better at balancing on the bike, they can pick up their feet and coast along. Run bikes make a great alternative to a tricycle or smaller bike with training wheels, and apparently can help make the ‘real bike’ learning curve to a regular-size bike shorter when the time comes. They also feel like big kids because they are riding a two-wheeler just like big bro and the kids across the street.


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