Just for Me CD

As a mom, there’s no question that you’re familiar with such songs as Row, Row, Row Your Boat, If You’re Happy and You Know It, and so on. Let’s face it, while our kids love hearing them over and over, the lack of variety can drive us all a little nutty. But our kids love them, so what can we do? Just For Me has come up with a great (and educational) solution to this repetitious dilemma. Their award-winning personalized CDs are just what Mama ordered. Taking the tunes of the classic songs and adding new lyrics that teach kids about the alphabet, transportation, colours, different languages, and more, these tunes also have a rockin’ beat and a variety of melodies to give the songs different flavours. It makes for a fabulous birthday gift! The coolest part? The CDs are personalized both musically and with a photo of your child on the front—just upload your fave pic, choose a name and, not only are you getting great music, but the singers are actually incorporating your child’s very own name into the song. Don’t ask how they do it—just be grateful that those old tunes have new flare and your kids have someone to sing along with them.($19.99, available at www.justforme.com).