Minnow’s Five Things

In celebration of spring and new beginnings, I’m turning a proverbial new leaf this week. I am actually going to write my blog again. Regularly.
I’ll be writing weekly about what caught my attention—whether it’s interesting new products, intriguing new business ideas or even the zaniness of celebrity moms. And I’ll try to keep it to five per post.
Here’s what I like this week:
- The new Well.ca virtual store app. I was invited for a sneak peak last week to meet with Ali Asaria and his team at Well.ca to learn about the launch of this amazing new App and virtual store that opened on Monday. This article in The Globe and Mail explains it well, referring to it as the ‘store of the future’. It’s definitely a disruption in the digital retail environment and a really smart way to buy and order those large boxes of diapers and other drugstore items that are a pain to carry home.
- Easter crafts. I’m not that crafty but I do like finding things to do over the four day weekend with the kids. These ideas (submitted by our very Savvy Storytellers) are so good, I might need to break out of the chocolate mold and buy some glue this year. Or maybe both.
- Alicia Silverstone and her child feeding practices. I’m obsessed with this story about Alicia Silverstone chewing her food and allowing her son to eat right out of her mouth. The child is over a year old so he has teeth and can chew his own food. Early signs of helicopter parenting or a celebrity looking for attention? If it’s the latter, allow me to enable her. What’s even more fascinating is what she is eating (and sharing) with her son: ‘a delicious breakfast of miso soup, collards and radishes, steamed and drizzled with flax oil, cast iron mochi with nori wrapped outside, and some grated daikon’. There is so much more to say but I just can’t give this more air time.
- This awesome birthday cake below that our sales coordinator made for her husband who is (clearly) a U2 fan. Everyone at the office wants to be more like Leslie—and this picture kind of explains why.
- This very groovy tea travel mug. Our new intern Sarah showed up on her first day at the office with this mug and it was an instant hit (she was too—with her immediate enthusiasm for tackling our backlog of broken links). Find the mug at David’s Tea or order it online.
And that’s what caught my attention this week. How about you?