Buy. Sell. Then Buy Some More.


It never fails. We always crave new stuff this time of year. The sight of new binders and pencil cases, sweaters and patent leather shoes…. But how can we possibly acquire more stuff when our closets are already bursting and the clothes are piled high?
Enter Daisy Blue.

Daisy Blue is a locally-owned online store which carries brand name second-hand clothing for kids six and under.

Kelli Catana, one of the two very savvy mom owners of Daisy Blue, understands how hard it is for parents to shop with children during typical mall hours. Kelli and her sister Ronda MacKinnon (who, by the way, have six children between them so they know a thing or two about kids’ clothes) thought that an online store would be a great way for parents to shop for their kids in the comfort of their own homes. Recently launched and already a favourite resource of many moms, Daisy Blue offers their customers a great product at a great price.


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