Savvier Dad


Since my parents moved to Vancouver Island to be closer to my sister’s family (and safely away from Ontario winters), I’ve spent the last decade flying there over Christmas holidays and more recently during the summer weeks to visit. Amy started joining me a few years ago and we both revelled in poolside retirement community living, learning the real meaning of ‘lounging’.
Through a series of unfortunate events, my father has never seen any of his grandchildren during the ‘baby stage’. So this was an important visit for Baxter and for Grampy.

Flying with a baby. Not so bad really. He drank going up and he drank going down (helps with the pressure) and because of some great mommy advice, we had an empty seat between us heading out (not so fortunate on the return flight). If you’ve been keeping track, you will know that Baxter is blessed with the ability to spit up. A lot. But luckily not in his sleep, which is what he did for the majority of the flight. He was saving the barf for the connecting flight from Vancouver (we’re experts at stealth clean-up operations) and the screaming for the bumper-to-bumper drive over the Malahat.

Once settled in, the time change didn’t seem to affect his schedule much (he saved that for the four days following our return). But of course, it’s all worth it to see the expressions on the grandparents’ faces. Baxter was happy to evoke ‘ooohs’ and ‘awwws’ from all his aunts and uncles as well. He was just starting his ‘conversational’ sounds and adored all the attention.

The highlight of the trip for me was ‘My Interview with Grampy’. Baxter had created a series of questions for Grampy Bond (to be recorded by mom and witnessed by Granny). Of course, I was the only one that could read Baxter’s writing. Cameras rolled, the set went quiet and then Baxter got all diva-esque, threw a hissy-fit followed quickly by a loss of consciousness. I look forward to editing the video.

My dad was a great sport that day. He has overcome so many challenges to raise his kids in a manner he never experienced and we took for granted. He takes such joy in our health and happiness. We’re very proud Baxter is part of his legacy.


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