Water Safety and Drowning Prevention

Since there’s no such thing as ‘too safe’ when it comes to water, we’re swimming in tips about water safety. Drownings are the third leading cause of preventable death for children under 10. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death for Canadian children under the age of 14. Drowning can happen in less than a minute, with complete silence, and in just centimetres of water—really.
Here are our life preserving tips for water safety and drowning prevention:
- Duty calls. Always appoint an adult (or someone with Red Cross certification) to be on duty when kids are in or near the water—under no circumstances should children be left unsupervised.
- Dress up. Insist that non-swimming children wear a life jacket (they are much safer than water wings) at all times when near the pool, at the beach, or outside at the cottage, and that everyone (adult and child) wear one when boating.
- Up in arms. Stay within arms reach at all times (and yes, that means you have to get in the pool) and if you are in the water with children, don’t turn your back on them.
- Down the drain. Completely empty the wading pool after every use, and position the pool on its side for storage so it can’t collect rain.
Most Canadian parents believe swimming lessons are the best way to protect a child from drowning. Our friends at Parachute know that this is NOT enough—their robust drowning prevention guide is full of useful facts and recommendations for parents to keep kids safe from drowning this (and every) summer.
And we’re here to tell you what they are because we want you to have fun in the sun this (and every) summer…
Actively Supervise
Always stay within sight and reach of children when in, on or around water. Even children who can swim need adult supervision. Children can drown quickly and silently in inches of water and in just a few seconds.
Get Trained
Learn first aid, CPR, and how to swim before assuming the role of supervisor. Always have an experienced adult swimmer supervise children in, on or around water.