The Balance Juggle

We’re winding down the 2008 SavvyMom Mom Entrepreneur of the Year Award this week and getting ready to announce the winners, which will be happening on October 21. As a result, I have had an opportunity this week to comb through all of the nominations one more time, and I was struck by something so many of the approximately 350 nominated mom-run businesses had in common, whether they were in the business of making custom stationery or running a corporate communications consultancy.
We asked the nominees to comment on what had been their biggest challenge to date in becoming a mom entrepreneur and a full 80% of them cited the challenge of juggling it all.

“The biggest challenge has been trying to find balance between work-hood and mother-hood. Both are my babies and they both require an enormous amount of my attention.”

“The biggest challenge I have encountered in being a mom entrepreneur is finding some sense of harmony between the two lives I live of being a mother to my wonderful children and being the owner of a company that is growing rapidly.”

“Like everyone else I’m sure, the biggest challenge is always having enough hours in the day to deal with the kids and the business…”

I know these sound all too familiar to me. What about you?


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