Rhythmic Gymnastics and Krudar Classes

A recent look in our overstuffed storage closet highlights the truth about our own exercise efforts: we’ll try anything—once (almost new boxing gloves and barely viewed P90X DVDs, we’re looking at you). But kids can’t get enough of trying new things, so we’re keen on expanding their athletic adventures with a new class or two that’ll keep them moving, kicking—even hooping!—all winter long.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
The summer Olympics might be your only exposure to the sport, but rhythmic gymnastics has a wide following for girls five and up. While the National Rhythmic Gymnastic Centre in Toronto has competitive streams, it also offers recreational programs so that girls at all skill levels can have fun, get great exercise and enjoy rhythmic gymnastics without the competition.
When a program promises to teach our kids personal discipline, attention, agility, strength and respect, it earns our attention. And when they deliver the way Krudar’s Muay Thai classes have done for our kids, we’re even more impressed. We just wish we could command the same sort of behavior at home, all the time (we’re working on it!). Available at locations both downtown and in the Don Mills and Lawrence areas.
Want more ideas to keep them active and enthusiastic? Try these other 5 great ideas for kids’ classes in Toronto.