Happy and Healthy


Our poor old bodies take a bit of a beating from having kids—sometimes they don’t even feel like our own. But they are, and we have to take care of them. After watching our size expand and retract a few times (and all the aftereffects that come with that), we want to focus more on staying fit and healthy (so we can keep up with our kids). We find ourselves reading labels for the nutritional content of foods rather than just the caloric value. We need to understand what we are feeding ourselves and our family.
LA Weight Loss understands these needs and works to change lives for the better in a healthy and natural way—providing the one-on-one support and the healthy eating education to help clients lose weight and help them to improve their lives physically and emotionally.

The focus is on the individual at LA Weight Loss. All programs are personalized based on lifestyle, personal preference, medical and weight loss factors and each menu can be further customized by their team of registered dieticians. There are no embarrassing group sessions, and no carbs or points to count.


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