
What if… it’s a question we all ask at one point or another. It’s the question that grips the three women in Ellen Hopkins’ latest book, Triangles. We asked Ellen if she would share her thoughts on why this book would appeal to our mom readers, and here was her response:
“Triangles explores what it means to be a woman approaching midlife, when all those annoying questions hit. Most of them start with, ‘What if…’ What if I would have gone to college, or to a different college, or not gone at all? What if I would have married my first boyfriend, or not married him, or not married at all? What if I would have had children younger, had them older, not had them at all? Second guessing our decisions is a universal human trait, and Triangles is all about three women’two sisters and a best friend’second guessing their lives. Holly, Marissa and Andrea are all moms, struggling to make sense of where their decisions have led them. Their children have issues of their own. Sometimes the women notice. Sometimes they don’t, even when they keep reminding themselves that they need to be proactive. This is parenting, of course. No woman rates one hundred percent job performance, despite every best intention. I think moms will love Triangles because they’ll see reflections of their friends, sisters, mothers, or maybe even themselves’of who they are, were, or maybe will become. And they’ll better understand the importance of being a mom. Even one with flaws.” – Ellen Hopkins
Congratulations to Louise C., Sandro S., Pam F., Diane O., Ellisia H., Jennifer G., Doris D., Michelle M., Mary N., Amy R. who all won a copy of Triangles to enjoy!