Movies by Moonlight

On a warm summer evening, everything is better outdoors, especially the movies. So take advantage of our long summer nights at the Summer Cinema Series in Stanley Park.
Movies are shown on a giant blow-up movie screen at Ceperley Meadow, Second Beach, every Tuesday night at dusk until September 2. The schedule is full of favourites like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and The Princess Bride, so choose one that fits your family. And you can’t beat the cost—it’s free.
If you’re determined to book ahead, tickets are still available for the new dinner and reserved seating combination option, so if you want a night off from cooking, consider splurging on this option to secure a cushy VIP seat.
Or, keep it simple and bring your own blankets and a picnic basket.
This series is popular, so consider arriving at least an hour or two early to get a prime spot. And while Vancouverites like to boast about the lack of mosquitos in our city, the insects seem to love Stanley Park, so bring bug spray. Snacks and blankets are also available for purchase on site.
With just a little planning, your family will be all tucked in under the stars watching a classic film together.
Make more magical family fun this summer. We’ve got eight more Family-Friendly Summer Festivals in Vancouver to make it happen.