Best Winter Fest

It’s time for a brief interruption from winter right about now. No, we’re not talking about a girls’ weekend in Palm Springs (although that does come highly recommended). We’re talking about wrapping everyone up and heading to Granville Island for the eighth annual Winterruption festival.
Winterruption is a great way to become reacquainted with all the amazing family fun offered on the island’including Arts Umbrella workshops, Carousel Theatre’s production of Cat in the Hat and free activities at the Kids Market.
Just the general ambiance of the food market, restaurants, cafes, delis, retail spaces and street buskers out on the ocean pier makes this event a great family day. Add in the vibrant atmosphere of a winter festival, and you have a great way to blow those winter blues away, complete with a Mardi Gras procession and crafts on Saturday. We like that Will Stroet & his Backyard Band are performing both days and we’re looking forward to tasting some of Lee’s Donuts’ new Winterruption creations.
So interrupt winter with some family fun with these 10 Ways to Have Fun With Your Family in Vancouver‘you’ll be glad you did.
Tested by Michelle T., Vancouver