A Good Fit

It’s easy to get blue when autumn turns grey. And double especially when our favourite jeans are a bit too tight, thanks to summertime’s ice cream and other treats.
So snap to, girlfriend. We’ve got the ultimate blues-buster for you today—a program called Fresh Air Fitness. It’s the creation of Jennifer Hewlett, a mom who always preferred trail trekking over coffee klatches when her own kids were in school. When other mothers started to join her, Jennifer (a UBC physical education grad) found her calling.
Today, Fresh Air Fitness offers women of all ages and abilities the opportunity to get out and experience an ever-changing variety of North Shore settings in the company of people who quickly become friends. You might decide Jennifer’s Monday morning hiking group is to your taste, or you might want to join the Friday trail runners. Perhaps you like the variety of her Wednesday program, which has participants working on body balls at the waterfront one term, snowshoeing the next, and kayaking in the spring. Can’t choose? Don’t worry, there’s an ‘all-for-one’ price for ladies who want to do any of the programs, any time.