You Need a Cab


You’ve ditched the diapers, packed the crib and hoofed the highchair into storage. Whew, you’re past the “I can work with plastic as décor” stage (at least for the time being). But preschoolers bring their own set of challenges, the least of which is getting them from point A to point B for school and activities. With multiple siblings, the logistics of getting everyone to different schools at the same time can get even more complicated. Add to that the need to get to a meeting or medical appointment, the airport (the list goes on)…and you are scrambling.
Support systems are a wonderful thing (thank you, carpools) and the sooner you start assembling yours, the better. But sometimes you need more.

Entrepreneur and mom of two busy boys, Erin Richards launched Kinder Car Service Inc. this September after facing similar issues getting her young son to preschool. Now, not only is she able to ferry him to and from the activities he loves, she can take your children as well (car seats and boosters are even provided). Kinder Car offers mom service. Not only do they pick up and drop off, they escort your young children inside and help them with coats, boots and backpacks. They’ll also check that your kids have their snack and put their mitts away.


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