Park It Here

Summer isn’t as simple as it used to be. Instead of heading to the beach with a girlfriend and a can of pop, you’re trying to keep fretful toddlers from getting sunburnt, or you’re balancing the entertainment needs of older siblings. You might be exhausted from catering to out-of-town relatives. Or—help!—you’re doing it all at the same time.
Along with the mantle of motherhood comes the clipboard of cruiseship director. Suddenly, it’s your job to make sure everyone has a good time. We feel your pain, and we want to help. So this week, we bring you a mom-friendly, low-stress destination spot guaranteed to work for everyone on your passenger manifest, from babies to grandparents and everyone in between.
Load up the passenger wagon with snacks, sunhats and sunblock, a beach blanket and umbrella, balls and Frisbees, cell phones or two-way radios, and an assortment of multi-generational friends and relatives. Point your vehicle towards the Vancouver Museum at 1100 Chestnut St., and enjoy pulling into their ample parking area that offers free parking—yes, free parking.
From there you can set up base camp at adjoining Vanier Park. Look for a shady tree if you didn’t bring an umbrella—you can choose the grassy slopes near the museums or duck pond, or get closer to the ocean for toe-dabbling. But make sure you’re comfortable (bring a folding chair, even), because in a savvy summer, moms are allowed to have fun, too.
From your shady perch under the tree, you can supervise an almost unlimited range of activities. Babies can snooze beside you, toddlers can blow bubbles and older kids can sunbathe or play Frisbee. Everyone can enjoy the sophisticated kite shows that are often put on by local enthusiasts practicing their art.