Why Is Earth Hour So 2008?


Remember when Earth Hour was all the rage? Everyone and their neighbour turned their lights and televisions off for the hour, restaurant patrons dined by candlelight. No one wanted to be caught with artificial light streaming through their windows. The shame!
Last week marked the fifth annual Earth Hour but this year it came and went with much less notice, we noticed.

The Toronto Star documented this year’s Earth Hour in photos; from City Hall to the home of the president of Earth Day Canada, The Star was out taking pictures to see just how many people were practicing what they preach. And as it turns out, it’s not so many—at least not compared to previous years.

Apparently power consumption during Earth Hour was only down 5 per cent in Toronto—half of what it was last year. Let’s face it, with all the natural disasters that are happening around the world right now, Eath Hour is so 2008. But it’s the global disasters that should be drawing us closer to earth hour in times like this, rather than allowing us to dismiss it. Especially as parents. We should be reinforcing the understanding that small acts can (and do) make a big difference globally—especially when everyone participates and helps. That’s what the message of Earth Hour is about.

Let’s try it again. Tonight. Have dinner by candlelight, turn the TV off and talk to your kids. Don’t let the message of Earth Hour fade.


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