It’s a Sign


Do you suffer from TV guilt? While you know that using your television as a substitute babysitter is an incredibly effective way to get dinner cooked, your mommy conscience tells you that TV should be used sparingly.

What if your kids watched television that actually helped them learn: a program that increases intraneural connections and their vocabulary? Just like magic, the TV guilt seems to disappear (or at least dissipate).

Signing Time is an amazing product that is new on the Canadian market. A series of videos designed for baby to school aged audiences (mom and dad need to pay attention too), Signing Time is fun and educational at the same time.

Produced south of the border by a family with special needs children, Signing Time brings American Sign Language (ASL) to the masses with a total of 21 DVDs (more than 600 signs) complimented by books, flashcards and music CDs.

ASL is an entirely visual combination of hand gestures and body language. Learning ASL is akin to learning another spoken language. Just watch your kids’ sponge-like brain soak it up. The result for many children is earlier literacy and improved fine motor skills.


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