A Picnic for the Planet

Picnic season has finally arrived, and the timing couldn’t be better seeing that this coming Sunday is Earth Day. I plan on packing up some good eats and a cozy blanket, and hitting an outdoor space with the kids for a little croquet and lounging on the lawn.
My plan is for our picnic to be a totally eco-friendly and tasty outing. Here are some ways in which I hope to achieve that:
- For starters, we won’t travel too far from home. It defeats the purpose of trying to save the environment if we drive to a far-away location. The local park is a great spot, or we may just use our own backyard and invite a friend or two over to join us.
- I’m not going to go to the expense of purchasing biodegradable plates and napkins, but I will definitely pack reusable ones. Glass mason jars are perfect vessels for lemonade and iced tea, not to mention bean and lentil salads and individual desserts. Cotton napkins are ideal, but if you don’t have any, roll up a few extra tea towels and use those instead.
- My favourite picnic foods include pressed sandwiches and/or baguettes, cured meats, chopped fruits, hearty salads, cookies and drinks. All of those items will be stashed in my bag for they travel well, and are practically perfect finger foods.
- The electronic devices are staying home. No ‘apples’ or ‘blackberries’, unless they’re they edible kind, of course.
Are you doing anything to celebrate Earth Day this year? What is your favourite picnic fare?