A Secret Agent/Spy Birthday Cake

The best party we ever threw was a secret agent/spy party for my oldest son when he turned nine. It was an at-home celebration with a group of friends who solved secret codes, made their way through an obstacle course made with party streamers, searched for clues in a scavenger hunt my husband set up in the school playground, had dinner at restaurant, and then returned to our house to feast on the easiest themed cake I’ve ever made. Seriously.
If you can ice a cake and write the letters of the alphabet you can crack the code on how to put together the simplest celebration cake without making yourself crazy. The cake can be round, square or rectangular and any flavour you like. In fact, the cake can even be store-bought, if you prefer. Then, you customize it to match the theme by writing the birthday message in code. What could be simpler?
For younger kids, my suggestion is to write ‘Happy Birthday (insert name)’ backwards. For older kids, you can try writing the words and the letters backwards and/or upside down. For extra embellishment, feel free to add a small magnifying glass (easily found at the dollar store) to the top of the cake.
What’s the easiest themed birthday cake you’ve ever made?