Address the Mess


What do Moms want most in life?We thought long and hard…
We searched high and low…
World Peace? The perfect hair cut? Respectful children?
An organized and orderly home?

That’s why we’ve enlisted Brenda Bornstein, professional organizer, founder of the Organized Zone, and mother of two to share with you, our loyal readers, her seasonal tips on home organizing.

Here are Brenda’s favourites on getting started with your autumnal overhaul.

Front/Back Entrance: Think Cubby
(There’s a reason they have them in every kindergarten.)
Low hooks that kids can reach, a slim shelf above with labeled baskets for hats and mitts (one per child), designated mat for shoes or boots.
Say goodbye to your summer flip flops and other warm weather gear for now (we know it’s hard).


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