Fries with That?

Jack and Jill are hungry and cranky from running up and down that hill all day. They invited their friends for dinner, and the pressure’s on for a guilt-free side dish to go with the drumsticks. Those smiley fries are cute, but you swore to cut back on the trans fat and additives in their food.
Sure, you can haul out that bag of potatoes and scrub, chop, par boil, marinate and fry your own with sea salt and olive oil, or you could reach into the freezer for a bag of Alexia Oven Fries, the healthy secret we like to stock up on for just such emergencies.
Until recently, we had to scour the high-end specialty shops for these potatoes (yummy enough for an Irish farmer to eat for breakfast), but now we can find them in supermarkets across Canada.
Alexia Oven Fries are all natural – so no additives and preservatives – and they are made with 100% pure olive oil – so no trans fat.
Nobody ever needs to know they were frozen. In fact, we’ve been known to serve them at grown-up dinner parties – perfect with a nice steak and glass of merlot.
Mom alert – they’re guaranteed to be a hit, so you’d better buy in bulk!
Available at major grocers across Canada