Bring on the Budget


‘Tis the start of the season for ‘spending’ and at SavvyHQ, we’ve been talking about ways to keep ourselves from going completely over budget when it comes to buying holiday gifts. I, for one, am trying to get my head around effective holiday shopping with kids in tow—that is enough of a distraction to stop me from being smart when it comes to buying gifts.
An article on holiday spending from our archives was a good refresher on the subject. Here are some of those tips:

  • Make a list of ‘must buy for’ (and check it twice). Have a budget ‘tier’ to work with (i.e. $10, $20, $50) and list the names underneath. That way, you can get a good idea of how much you may end up spending (and really scrutinize who you’re buying for).
  • Hit the sales. There are so many warehouse sales at the moment with lots of fun little gifts. Consider buying up a bunch of those cute vases, or decorative table runners at a low cost and use those as general gifts for the larger majority.
  • Go homemade. Those smaller gifts can really add up. A batch of homemade jam, or freshly made cookies in a nice box can go a long way (and add that personal touch).
  • Think ‘one’ not ‘many’. Okay, so this might not apply for the kids, but definitely works for the adults. Consider tickets to an event you can go to with your mom, husband, sibling…it becomes a gift and a bonding experience.
  • Go for the gift certificate. So many times, finding that perfect gift can be draining and a strain on your wallet as a consequence. Let’s face it: we all have stores we like. Let your family or friends decide what it is they want for themselves.
  • Give the gift of time. When it comes to your friends, consider making a pack to skip the present exchange and arrange for a girls’ day out instead.
  • Stop and think before you buy. Impulse buys (while great fun at times) are the biggest enemy of the wallet during the holidays. Take a few moments to really consider whether or not the item you’re thinking of buying fits within your plan and budget.

This holiday, I’m going to take a note from Santa: make that list and check it twice.


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