Ice-ing on the Cake

It’s a picture perfect winter party scene: kids on skates playing shinny while a fire roars nearby and mom serves piping hot chocolate and birthday cake.
Unfortunately outdoor skating parties (for birthdays or otherwise) are difficult to plan in Calgary because it’s either too cold for little hands and feet or too warm and the ice has melted (darn chinooks). So the savvy thing to do is book your skating party indoors.
Many local rinks rent their space for private functions. If you can get away with hosting a party during non-peak hours, ice time is cheap and easy to find. Non-peak hours are during the regular school day, so the cheap time is easy for preschool or nursery school parties. For older kids, look for a suitable PD Day.
We recommend calling the City of Calgary to book ice time at any number of arenas around the city (including Southland and Village Square Leisure Centres). Arena rentals cost a mere $65 before 4 pm and $180 after that with no limit on the number of skaters (bonus: you have the place all to yourself). A party room is available at many venues and costs an additional $57 for 4 hours.