Grains—Taking Us by Storm!


Hi. My name is Denise and I am a carb-oholic. My addiction begins at breads and includes bagels, toast, English muffins, breakfast pita, and my strongest vice, muffins. I love muffins! My biggest challenge with this vice is avoiding temptation. Each morning on the way to work I walk by four bakeries and three coffee shops, all of which sell muffins. The muffins look delicious from the outside, but if you take a look at what’s on the inside, you will discover that most are made with white flour, void of whole grains, loaded with sugar, and very high in fat. Is it is a muffin or a cake?
In my previous life, I would have picked up a coffee and a muffin from my local coffee shop every day of the week, without considering the nutritional (or lack of) value. Today, I am more health conscious and therefore more selective when it comes to the muffins I eat. The most effective way to manage this is to make my own muffins.

I love to bake, and over the years I have compiled a collection of ‘family-favourite’ muffin recipes. Unfortunately, by the time the homework is completed, the bedtime routine is finished, and the dishes are done, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to make muffins from scratch. This is where Grainstorm baking mixes come in. SavvyMom was first introduced to Grainstorm products a couple of years ago and we loved them. Recently, they reconnected with us to let us know about some improvements they had made to their production facility, website and product line. We thought we should ask for some samples. I, of course, chose to try the muffin mix. Grainstorm muffin mixes come in two blends—Ancient Grain Muffin Base and Kamut Muffin Base. These freshly-ground, organic grain muffins are quick and simple to make, rich in wholesome ingredients, lower in sugar than other muffin mixes, and best of all—delicious.

My sons love them just as much as I do, and because they are nut and peanut-free, I can send them to school. I fill a combination of mini and regular-sized muffin tins—perfect wholesome snacks for recess and mid-morning coffee breaks. I am no longer tempted by the ones in the coffee shops. You can either make the muffins from the instructions on the packaging or create your own variation by adding dried fruit, chocolate chips, or ripe banana. These mixes are great to have on-hand in your pantry, too. Available at

What is your favourite packaged mix?


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