Healthy Children. A Better World

We adore the specialized concept of this camp (run by Oaks 'n Acorns) designed for girls to nurture healthy self-esteem, body image and confidence. Plus, the kids will stay fit with some amazing fitness classes.
PlayFit Camp

All parents want to keep their kids healthy, it’s a universal truth.
Like me for instance. I have a bit of a history in the emergency department of SickKids thanks to my Kamikaze kids. Nothing serious, (thank goodness), but the visits are always a bit stressful. Not because of the wait or the pain involved, but because of the emotional drain from the reminder that each small accident (broken leg, stitches, etc) could have been so much worse. With each visit to SickKids, I look around the hospital and am reminded not to feel sorry for myself if we leave with a few stitches, that’s for sure, when we see the families with children who are much more sick than mine.

While I always know that I have received the best possible medical attention because SickKids is a world leader in pediatric health care, I also know there are so many parents who have a more difficult time keeping their children healthy and at SavvyMom we have always been committed to helping those parents.

The research being done at SickKids Hospital not only benefits children in Toronto, but children all over Canada and all over the world. In fact, SickKids Foundation awards grants across the country to investigators in paediatric health sciences and care, ensuring that the breadth and quality of Canadian child health research continues to grow. We feel a responsibility to support this amazing resource that we have access to right at our very own doorstep. Just a few weeks ago, as an example, SickKids researchers made an important discovery about autism which will help families around the world in better understanding this disease.

That’s why we were very honoured to be asked to be the presenting sponsors of the SickKids Foundation family gala A Family Affair to be held on Sunday, May 6th. On that day, with your help, we hope to raise $350,000 in support of the important pediatric medical research being done at SickKids Hospital—research which not only benefits children in Toronto, but children all over the world. Oh, and it’s going to be fun too! We’ve got the Doodlebops joining us, a carousel (yes, a carousel inside), a gourmet picnic lunch and many more surprises and delights for the whole family. We hope you can join us.

Healthier children. A better world. That’s what they say at SickKids and we couldn’t agree more.


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