It Takes a Village

I came across this video online the other day and thought it was worth a savvy mention—especially around the time of the month when we are all celebrating being moms.
Amy Poehler made this speech as she was accepting an award for being named to the 2011 Time 100 (Time Magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the world this year). Quite an accomplishment for a female comedian.
Her speech is a wonderful tribute to her extended family and caregivers who help her to ‘do what she likes to do’ (and do it so well I might add). That’s the part I like the most because the way I see it, doing what she does is also part of being the best she can be.
Amy makes a point of mentioning working moms in the speech, but I think it’s relevant to all moms—whether you’re a high-profile comedian, a part-time working mom, a stay-at-home mom or any variation of all the above. Every mom needs a little help from time to time, so grandparents, friends, sisters, date-night babysitters or full-time working nannies are the modern day ‘village’ we lean on to raise our children.
We might not be able to compare ourselves to Amy on a professional level, but her speech speaks to all of us.
This Mother’s Day, make a check list of all the people you want to thank for helping you be the best mom you can be. If your list isn’t very long, you might want to work on that. If we can learn a thing or two from this video, it’s telling us that it’s OK to ask for help from time to time… so you can do what you do…which in turn will help you to be the best (mom) you can be.
What do you think of Amy’s speech? Selfish or Super?