Looking for a Few Good Women


We want it all and who doesn’t?

But even though having it all might be a logical impossibility, we still know that there are lots of moms out there who are trying hard to make it happen. We’re talking about the legion of moms across Canada who have started small businesses after having children, inspired by their experiences as mothers and their desire to craft a career path for themselves that accommodates their families’ needs as well.

We know (because we’re mom entrepreneurs too at Savvymom.ca) that being a mom entrepreneur can be a life of endless reward…but it can also be a life of endless hard work. Running your own business often means there’s no one else to help with all the work to be done so you find yourself alternating between the roles of Chief Marketing Officer and Head Janitor (like we were this weekend when our office flooded). And it definitely means there’s no boss to give you a pat on the back from time to time (unless you count that spit-up on the back of your t-shirt you haven’t had time to change since you’ve been busy shipping orders all afternoon).


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