Lunch Bag by Think Stunning

Every September, when picking up back-to-school products for the kids, all of us here at the office indulge in some ‘back to school’ shopping of our own. New day planners, notebooks, and pens—because why should the kids have all the fun? We get the warm fuzzies from shiny new stationery and books, too. There’s something about a clean, new planner that gives us a little thrill.
For those of us who head to an office on the reg, or find ourselves toting snacks and juice all over town for the little ones, a new lunch bag would be a welcome addition. And as much as we think those Finding Dory lunchboxes are totes adorbs, they don’t really jive with our workwear apparel. We need a grown-up lunch bag, thank you very much, something chic and professional that won’t look out of place swinging from our shoulder as we head to work. It should be insulated and easy to clean, too.
We’ve found everything we need in the lunch bag by Think Stunning. It looks like a regular purse, but it’s an insulated lunch bag—perfect for work days or for toting around town with baby snacks and milk in it. It’s sturdy and well-made and just the right size—so it should come as no surprise that it’s designed by a savvy mom.
$37.50, available online at