Make Your Own Snowman Ice Cream

Ice Cream SnowmanYou’ll Need

  • Chapmans/or other nut-free ice cream
  • Smarties
  • Assorted cake decorating sprinkles
  • Gummy candies
  • Kit-Kat bars or granola bars

*All ingredients should be checked to ensure they are nut-free
**If making for dairy allergies, use dairy free frozen dessert

Prep and Cook

  • Place a stack of plates in the freezer for a few minutes prior to beginning. Using a small ice cream scoop, place three scoops flat on every child’s plate to resemble a snowman
  • Offer each child their own assortment of ‘accessories’ to decorate their snowman with (i.e. Smarties for the eyes, Kit Kat bars or granola bars for arms and legs, sprinkles for hair etc.)
  • Dig in


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