The New Green
Just like Kermit says, it’s not easy being green. Cranking that carbon footprint to drive from here to there and everywhere for the right eco-products and breaking the bank on the way is not on our weekly to-do list. Still, we continue to seek out only the best for our families.
Aren’t we lucky in Ottawa, then, that we can boast being home to Canada’s first and only terra20 store. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it. It’s brand new. They’re opening their eco-doors on Saturday, September 15.
With a broad range of environmentally friendly products (more than 12,000 products in store)’including fashion, baby clothing and toys, housewares, cosmetics, home decor and more’you’ll be green in no time.
What else will you find at terra20? The new in-store ecobar dispensers are a big feature. The ecobar allows you to replace your common household cleaners with eco-friendly alternatives made from healthier, natural ingredients. Because the mixing is done on-site, the transportation weight is reduced. You just grab-and-go.
What are you waiting for? The store grand opening is Saturday, September 15. Everyone is invited to go and meet the experts who are excited to demonstrate their eco-products and meet the customers.
Finally, there is a one-stop shop for you to get green. You should go.