Pink Power


Recently I was invited to a Pink Slip Party. No, it’s not about wearing a pink slip (with kitten heels), but rather a networking reception for executives who have been ‘recessioned’ and are looking for a new job. Also invited are potential employers, executive recruiters and performance coaches. It struck me as a fabulous idea and I am mentioning it not just because our friends at workharmony are organizing it but also because I thought it was a profound sign of the times.
Gone are the days of lavish soirees—today it’s all about networking and getting the economy through this strict diet. And don’t think the workharmony gals don’t know how to throw a party. There are some great sponsors on board and a portion of the $20 entrance fee goes to a charity called Project Winter Survival. Now tell me, who would not want to support a charity with a name like that?


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