Thanks for Sharing


We’ve been running a contest on our ‘mamapedia’ site, for the last few months. The moms who shared the most (i.e. wrote reviews that would be helpful to moms in their city) were eligible to win great prizes from Whirlpool and President’s Choice. The winners will be announced soon so stay tuned for that news. But I was reflecting on the contest and thinking that the real winners were all of us moms who can now benefit from the reviews shared on the site by all the savvy moms who are participating.
If I ever get to Halifax with my family, we are definitely going to check out Uniacke Estate Museum Park, which really does sound like a wonderful place to spend the afternoon with your family. And while I have been visiting Saskatoon for years (my in-laws live there), I didn’t know about Li’l Sprouts, which sounds like the perfect place to find things for babies and toddlers – I plan to pay a visit next time we are in town.

What are your favourites that you have discovered on


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