Finding Time for New Baby AND Older Siblings

Finding Time for Baby and Older Siblings - SavvyMom

Your new baby has just arrived on the scene. Everyone who walks through the front door tends to make a big fuss about the baby, which can leave your older child feeling like the understudy to a hot new star. Can you blame them if they’re feeling lonely, unappreciated, and a little bit resentful, too? The antidote to those prickly feelings from older siblings is some TLC from you, amply administered in regular doses as parental time and energy allows. Here are some tips on making that happen.

Finding Time for New Baby & Older Siblings

Think about activities that you can enjoy with your older child while you’re feeding your baby. You will, after all, be spending a lot of your time breastfeeding, particularly when your baby is still in the newborn stage. Fortunately, breastfeeding can be combined with other activities, like reading books, playing games (everything from simple board games and card games to in-your-head games like “I spy”), telling stories, and enjoying a cuddle on the couch.

Take advantage of your baby’s naptimes to enjoy activities with your older child that can’t be done quite as easily with a babe-in-arms. Do somersaults together in the backyard. Whip up something healthy in the kitchen. Or go for a walk together while your partner or some other trusted adult listens for the first signs of baby waking up for his next feeding. (Bring your phone with you, so the person at home can text you to alert you that feeding time is rapidly approaching and that it might be wise to start heading for home.)

Get a handle on what your older child is thinking and how she is feeling about the new baby’s arrival. You want her to be honest about her feelings, so don’t tell her that her feelings are wrong or bad if she says something negative about the new baby. Incorporating a new person into a family is a big adjustment for everyone. With support, encouragement, and patience from you, your older child will make this adjustment—when she’s ready.


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