Back in the Groove


Sometimes a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do. If that means staying at home to care for children or the elderly, then that’s what she does—no matter how hard she worked at her career up to that point. And if it means she has to put that blazer back on and get herself into the work force after an extended leave, then she does that too.
But sometimes the transition back to work is not as easy as simply putting that business suit back on. That’s why the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management is helping women return to work through their Back to Work Program, sponsored by TD Bank Financial Group (TD)—for women returning to business after an extended time away.

The program is designed specifically for women who have been out of the paid workforce for the past three to eight years and are looking for a professional advantage to re-enter the workforce with confidence. Through an engaging learning exchange, participants will meet senior executives, potential employers and re-establish professional networks. The course is run in three modules of three program days (nine full days over a three month period) employing a variety of teaching methods, including one-to-one coaching. There are no exams or grades (don’t tell your kids) and the program will focus on supporting participants’ individual needs and career journeys.

If that doesn’t sound good enough, there is childcare provided by Kids & Company. It’s true. And more good news is that TD Bank Financial Group is underwriting the cost of the program to reduce tuition fees, as well as offering four scholarships to the program.

If you or someone you might know are interested, the first application deadline is July 13. Admission to the program will be granted on a rolling basis following each of the application deadlines. Applications will close once the program is full, so it’s best to apply by July 13. Admission decisions will be made within two weeks of each application deadline.

You can apply online but be sure to browse the site for additional information.

Statistics show women are leading the way when it comes to the largest gains in employment here in Canada. No surprise really.


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