Family Planning


What we want to do on Family Day:sleep in, relax by a cozy fire, read books, play board games, smile a lot and feel the love of our family members spending quality time together.

What we will likely do on Family Day:
wake up early, feed baby/toddler, make breakfast for the rest of the team, remind children of the house TV rules (read: turn off the tube after some serious whining), eventually give in to the TV so we can squeeze in some precious moments to read the newspaper while drinking our coffee (it is our day off, after all), make a plan so that the troops are fed and entertained, and repeat until it is time to go back to bed.

Which brings us to the real issue…The Plan. Any successful family day (official or otherwise) or event has a plan. So where to go? What to do?

We have some ideas:

  • Take some tips from our savvy readers on how they like to Embrace the Elements. There is plenty of snow around town so make the most of it while it lasts. Skating, skiing, toboganning or snowshoeing are all very high on our list.


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