Playing Mom


Every mom has stories (or several hundred), and while they happen on a daily basis, we don’t usually get a chance to savour the funny moments or dwell on the embarrassing ones, much less consider retelling them.
And yet we feel better when we hear that other moms have been there too; it makes us feel a little less crazy. So, gather your mom friends and head to the Arts Club on Granville Island to see Mom’s the Word: Remixed, where you will laugh (and we mean really laugh) and cry as five local moms and actors tell their everyday mom stories, and provide you with reassurance that your experiences are not unique!

Mom’s the Word is not new: six Vancouver actors started the first show in 1993 almost by accident as they gathered to write a play for an upcoming festival. Instead, they ended up sharing personal stories about their lives as new moms, and Mom’s the Word was born. The first play was hugely successful: five translations, ten countries and thousands of performances. Twelve years later, they returned to the stage to share their experiences as moms of teenagers, in Mom’s the Word 2: Unhinged.


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