Vancouver: The Savvy Guide to March

March is filled with the promise of spring tempered with the cold reality that we have one more month of snowsuit bundling before we begin to expose our bare ankles to the world.
A plan for the break this month.
Why? Because even if your kids are not in school yet, their current schedule is likely to change and you might need to plan for that.
To the CelticFest Vancouver, from March 11 – 15.
Why? Because they have a great line-up of free family-oriented activities on the lawn of the Vancouver Art Gallery all weekend long—great Irish music, face painting, Irish children’s stories, crafts and a host of medieval characters wandering the grounds. Don’t miss the St. Patrick’s Day Parade at 11:30 am on Sunday, March 15.
Scavenger Hunt on your next road trip. Make a list of items for each child to watch for (such as cows, a church, a food store, or a person talking on a cell phone) and let them check each item off when they find it. For younger kids who can’t read, draw a picture of the item (or find clip art on your computer) so they will know what to look for.
Why? Because it will help pass the time, it will help avoid the bickering and the kids might even learn something.
Make your RRSP contribution by Monday, March 1.
Why? Because making an RRSP contribution reduces the tax you have to pay for 2008 and helps you save for the future.