6 Ways to Save Money on Halloween Costumes for Kids

Save Money on Halloween Costumes for Kids

It’s the spookiest time of year, when pumpkins, ghosts, and scarecrows take over our lawns, and our kids are on the hunt to find the best costume to wear on Halloween.

With one, two, or more kids, Halloween costumes can get pricey, especially if you buy them brand new and fully packaged. But there are plenty of ways around spending an arm and a leg on a scream-worthy costume.

Here are some cost-cutting tips to help you save money on Halloween costumes for kids.

1. Reuse Clothes That You Already Have

There are plenty of ways to repurpose and reuse clothes that are sitting in your closet for your kids’ costumes. If they want to dress up as a Ninja, look for a black shirt and pants from home. If they want to be a princess, let them wear white tights, ballet flats, and sparkly accessories from around the house. Get creative and shop your closets before the stores. You may not be able to find a full costume at home, but you’ll save money by building off of what you already have.

2. Buy Second-Hand Costumes

There are so many places to find second-hand costumes. From popular thrift stores like Value Village and Goodwill, children’s stores like Once Upon a Child, to Mom Buy and Sell groups on Facebook, there are many options that offer excellent condition costumes for a fraction of the cost. Last year I found a brand new Batgirl costume for my daughter for $7.00, complete with adorable accessories.

3. Trade Costumes

Whether you have nearby friends or you’re part of an online trading group, you can try a costume trade to get the perfect costume for your kids.  Some communities also offer costume trading events, so keep an eye out for these, or consider creating your own.

4. Find Inspiration On The Internet

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m a Pinterest failure, but I still enjoy finding inspiration online. Try searching “easy DIY kids costumes” on both Pinterest and Google. If your child asks for a specific costume, then search for ideas for that costume. After searching for easy DIY Minions costumes online, I discovered that a pair of overalls, a yellow t-shirt, black gloves, and a yellow plastic construction hat with eyeballs make for a simply adorable DIY Minion.

5. Enlist The Kids’ Help

My kids are far more creative than I am, and they also get a kick out of crafting and creating together. Get your kids to help by having them craft their costume using materials at home. Let them dig around in the recycling bin, costume bin, and craft supplies, and see what they come up with. Even if the result isn’t perfect, they’ve used their imaginations and fashioned something unique. As a bonus: they won’t have to worry about having the same costume as a classmate.

6. Think Outside the (Cardboard) Box

A basic cardboard box doesn’t look like much, and chances are you have one in your basement, or someone nearby is willing to unload some from their basement. But with a bit of paint and imagination, a basic cardboard box can be transformed into an incredible one-of-a-kind costume.

What are some ways that you save money on Halloween costumes?




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