Detox Delight


It’€™s been a busy and fun-filled summer. Sometimes a little bit too much fun. If you’€™re looking for a quick way to give your body and your skin a bit of detox, we have just the place.
Located in Kensington, Rejuve! Health & Wellness spa treatments are all about sweat. With so many external and internal elements leading to clogged pores, fat deposits, cellulite and more, the treatment at Rejuve! is designed to not only detoxify your body, but bring you down a dress size and burn up to 4000 calories in a 90-minute process. No heavy exercise required (read: it’€™s a chance to lie down and relax without feeling guilty).

Set in private rooms (or a double room if you choose to bring your bestie), the treatment begins with an initial consultation to determine weight and body fat percentage. Next comes the lymphatic massage using proprietary creams to create an artificial ‘€˜skin’€™ before being cocooned in an infrared heated blanket (bringing your body temperature up to 55 degrees Celsius). Your body burns the extra calories as it works to sweat through the second ‘€˜skin,’€™ releasing both excess fat and toxins. For $30 extra, end your treatment with a 20-minute reflexology session.

Once you’€™re done, enjoy an electrolyte drink and pamper your skin with special body butter before your final consultation to measure your results. Individual sessions cost $109, but can be bought in 4, 8 or 12 packs at a discount. An added bonus: Rejuve! now offers infrared yoga classes to help keep the detox process going.

So when it comes to getting ready for the fall, we say ‘€˜sweat it out.’€™

You can also get ready by checking out these 5 Fitness Solutions in Calgary.

Savvy Special Offer: Print out this newsletter and bring it into the salon for 10% off your first purchase.

Tested by Robyn B., Calgary


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