Budding Business


Think spring and what comes to mind (and we don’t mean snow)? Think blossoms on the trees and bugs in the earth. Now think shopping. You’d rather spend your valuable time with the kids poking around in the garden rather than the mall, right?
Destination retailer Bug and Blossom is rooted in North Hill Center. The 900 square foot space is packed to the rafters (literally) with toys, games, baby accessories and art supplies. Fortunately, owner and mother of two boys, Stacey Page offers a rare brand of service (these days). She knows her product by heart and is rife with gift giving ideas.

Bugandblossom.ca offers the same range of selection and quality service. There are many exceptional items from hometown companies including hats from Haute Tots , blankets from Yummy Style and barrettes from Hair Ware.

Current best sellers include the award winning Zoobies, a range of cuddly animals that convert from stuffy to pillow to blanket ($38.99) and The Peanut Shell Reversible Sling retailing for $69.99.


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