In a Flash

We worry about their diets and the amount of sleep they get. We wonder if they are getting too much sun, if the water they drink is safe and clean, and if the fibres on their mattresses are bad for them? It’s tough work staying on top of it all.
There is one more concern to add to your list and it’s a genuine one’but it’s easy as a flash to cross off your list once you are informed.
Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer of the eye that typically affects children between birth and five years of age. The incidence of RB is 1 in 15,000 live births, with about 23 children in Canada being affected each year. When left untreated, it is almost always fatal, so early diagnosis and treatment is critical and can save lives, preserve eye sight and maintain visual functions.
How to detect symptoms? The easiest way is by using a flash photo. When there is whiteness reflected in the pupil’particularly when the pupil is dilated’it’s a sign that you should take your child to get her eyes checked.
All you need to do is watch out for white eye instead of red when looking at photos of your child. Restinoblastoma is 98% curable if it’s caught on time.
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