Minnow’s Five Things


Cougars in Muskoka, cottage gifts and summer memories. Even when I’m away on vacay, like I am this week, there is still so much that catches my attention.
1. I just heard about a cougar that was found and shot down by police in Muskoka after killing a pet dog. That’s weird because there aren’t supposed to be any cougars in Ontario anymore (not the wild cat type, anyway)—the last one was killed in 1884, no less. What’s also weird is that it had no claws. Could this be a domestic pet that escaped? Do people actually keep cougars as pets?

Pongo Ping Pong Game set
2. I love this Pongo Ping Pong Game set from the cottage gift list we published this week. What a good idea to be able to set it up on any table. My family would love this. I’ll make sure someone buys it for us when we finally buy that cottage (ahem).

3. Here’s a hilarious video about being a parent of kids at sleepover camp that Sarah sent to me. It caught my attention because both my boys are away at sleepover camp right now. I do miss them, but we’re coping pretty well so far. (Adult-only vacation, anyone?)

4. Speaking of kids, I discovered mi Lifemap, a new photo storing platform started by a savvy dad who wanted to keep all of his cherished family memories in one safe and private place for future generations. It allows families to privately store images, videos, social activities and diaries—all in one safe place and archive them in chronological order (like a life map). Because it’s not just about uploading and storing your images, it’s more about being able to easily rediscover and enjoy them. mi Lifemap allows users to do that. It’s still in beta—check it out.

5. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Kate Upton and Tilda Swinton both caught my attention this week. That is, I saw them in person—both looking very cool and hip. But that’s not the real story. I’m pretty out of it when it comes to following celebrities (or caring) so even though they caught my attention, I had no idea who they were until I asked the waiter. He wasn’t very impressed with me, needless to say.


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