Royale Reno-cation Contest


For the past two years, SavvyMom has partnered with Royale to promote their online Reno-cation Contest. It’s always an easy one to write about and talk about because they’ve hit the nail on the head when it comes to knowing what moms want. For one, most moms would like to have their homes updated, renovated and refreshed—especially in the spring. But they would also love a vacation. And frankly, if given the choice between the two, it would be tough one to make. So Royale decided that the winner should get both—and that’s what we like about this contest. If you’re going to win, win big. You shouldn’t have to choose.
This year, Royale’s Reno-cation Contest is awarding the grand-prize winner a home renovation valued at approximately $13,000 and a week-long vacation (Caribbean cruise) valued at approximately $7,000, for a total prize value of approximately $20,000. This year, the contest will also feature 15 secondary prizes of the Luxury Royale Bathroom Collection (bathrobe and slippers), which will be awarded once per week for the duration of the contest.

Are you going to enter?


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