Say Cheese

How many times have our kids heard THAT command? It’s a wonder they aren’t turned off cheddar for life. And the photos that result are usually just that—cheesy.
So how can you capture that great photo in time for your Christmas cards and gifts? It’s a snap with these tips from professional photographer Beth Hayhurst:
- Put your child in their natural environment where they have the space and freedom to be themselves.
- Relax: be flexible and patient. Your kids will respond in kind.
- Don’t get your child to pose or say ‘cheese’—the photo will look forced. Engage them with jokes or songs to elicit the expressions you are after.
- Fill the frame. Get in close—don’t worry about cropping off the top of the head or other body parts; it’s the eyes and mouth that carry the expression.
- See their point of view. Get down on the ground to really explore their world.
- Keep your background uncluttered. Hang a solid-coloured sheet as a backdrop, or change angles to avoid including visual distractions.
- If your child is a mover and shaker, give them a small, inconspicous object to play with—Cheerios work well. They’ll focus, and then so can you.
- Let a series of photos tell a story.
- Take lots of shots. Experiment and have fun!
- Natural light is best, but avoid direct sunlight. Look for shade, wait for a cloudy day, or shoot at dawn or dusk.
If the perfect photo is still eluding you (or you want to be in the picture too!), consider hiring a pro. Beth is a children’s photographer living in Victoria, but she visits clients throughout B.C. and across Canada.
Special SavvyMom Offer!
Call Beth now for your SavvyMom discount of 25% off your session fee.
(250) 896-0766
Another new local option is Bopomo Pictures, for those moms wanting to see more creative poses than what you’ll get from department store photo studios. Check out the amazing gallery on their website, and be prepared to be impressed by their reasonable prices.
Bopomo Pictures
2631 West Broadway, Vancouver
SavvyMoms can go for a free sitting and an 8×10 picture! (enjoy!)
(604) 678-1411