Bedtime Snacks

What snacks (if any) are appropriate before bed?
Many families choose to offer a snack before bed and some do not. There is no right or wrong about whether or not to offer snacks before bed. It is personal preference and each child is different.
If you do choose to offer a snack, make sure that it’s a nutritious one. Good options include:
- A slice of whole grain toast with peanut or other nut butter
- A small bowl of low-sugar cereal and milk
- Sliced fruit
- Yogurt or cheese
- A few low-sodium crackers
Try and stay away from high sugar or sticky foods like raisins or other dried fruit as these can be difficult to remove from teeth before bed even after brushing.
Offering a small glass of milk can also be a good option for a bedtime snack. However, it may be a consideration to limit the amount of fluid offered before going to bed, especially for children who are trying to toilet train. Of course, it is important to make sure that your children brush their teeth before bed after all snacks and drinks (including milk) have been consumed.